Wednesday, January 31, 2007

And now, the end is near....

After what seemed like a never-ending haze of bubble wrap and Scotch tape, we finally packed all of our belongings in 96 18 x 18 x 24 inch U-Haul containers, some furniture in shrink-wrap and stuffed them all into the shipping container. The combined hard work of me,my hubby and the unpaid worker we had(my bro), the last week, paid off in that things went quite smoothly considering how many aspects had to be co-ordinated. And finally, it's done! our belongings have been shipped, we have packed 6 suitcases and we are ready to go! Living in this empty apartment(or should i now say flat) for the last couple of days reminds me of the last days in our Dos Vientos house when we were packing and moving at the same time. I was quite sad to move out of the house that we had seen being built from the foundation onwards but there was a sense of nervous excitement that we were doing something new. Now the sense of excitement has been multiplied exponentially!!! We know we are doing something new and it will be fun.

One change i have noticed in me and so has my husband is how relaxed and happy i have become, especially when it comes to my little baby. Other than the first 3 months after he was born, i have not been with him 24/7 till about 3 days ago. Now there are no restrictions on my time with him , no looking at the clock all stressed out that i have to get him to school and then go to work and do the dishes etc etc . It has been truly amazing. Call me old-fashioned, but i really like being a stay at home mother and wife. Yes, it is the novelty perhaps but i feel like i have slided into this role effortlessly. i feel like i really have connected to my son and my husband in a very different way than what has been the norm so far. i know i will do something for myself once we settle down in India, for sitting idly at home bores me to death. But till then i plan to relish this experience to its fullest. i can understand now what my aai must have felt like when she was rearing us. I used to ask her if she never got bored and she always said that she had enough to do around the house to keep her busy. he was always there when we woke up int he morning and when we came back home. I remember how she would freshen up and get ready in the evenings before my baba came home. Our home atmosphere felt real! and true! Like this was the way it was supposed to be.
My dearest sweetheart has always been saying that things will change once we start this new life of ours, for the better. i always believed that they would because coming home at 9:30 at night 2-3 days a week , does not make for a very smooth family life. My feeling is that it is manageable if one person, ohiut of the couple, is always thinking about life outside the house i.e work and has to manage the stress associated with it. Now this can be the husband or the wife. we know a few families where the wife is a very, very successful professional and the husband takes care of the house and their children. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, the husbands in these case are extremely intelligent men. But when both the people bring stress home, that is when the family starts to crumble. When the family comes home, it is a place of refuge from the outside world. And the home is not just made up of material belongings. it needs a soul and that soul is provided by the mother (or the father) who is there to receive the family back home. I remember the feeling I used to get when we went to the house of my best friend in nagpur. Her mother worked and whenever we went to her house in the afternon, my friend would unlock the front door, go to the daark kitchen and help herself to the food that her emother had made in the morning. Maybe I was spoiled, but that sterile environment compared to my house made me take notice. I am not saying that women who work are bad homemakers or bad mothers. I have lived that life and I would say that on the contrary, they do twice as much as those who don't work full time outside the house. But I believe it comes at a cost.I will disagree with the popular feminist sentiment that we can do both the things and have a happy and satisfied life. But there are many stay at home mothers who could not be bothered to make a life for their family, so it goes both ways.
Anyhow as far as I am concerned, i have loved my 5 years of work as a pharmacist and now i plan to love whatever comes my way. My family has always been my priority and always will. My patients can get another pharmacist, but my husband has only me as his wife and my son has only one mother, ME.
this will probably be my last post from this "land of the free and the home of the brave". It will take us some time to get settled into a routine over at my in-laws' house and so will be a while before i can write again. But i plan to savour every moment of my return trip and have fun. after all, you only live once!


Bong Mom said...

Loved your post, same kind of thoughts here too. Mail me at if you want to be a member

Her Highness said...

LOL!!! You're lucky this is one of your earlier posts. you ought to see the blog wars on my posts on these subjects!

do drop by!